Signed and sealed. Apotheosis of a covenant in the puritan federal theology Cover Image

Podpisana i przypieczętowana. Apoteoza umowy w purytańskiej teologii federalnej
Signed and sealed. Apotheosis of a covenant in the puritan federal theology

Author(s): Nina Gładziuk
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN
Keywords: Puritans; Covenant; Covenant of Redemption; Covenanted Community

Summary/Abstract: What is the Federal Theology, born in the 17th century in New England? The authoress presents the characteristics of the Puritan Federal Theology, emphasising the significance of the concept of Covenant, which binds a man to God and God to man, in the constituting of a community. The covenants entered into by people are acts of mutual debt raising and of undertaking a mutual obligation to discharge it. It is because a covenant ob-liga-tes that it brings forth a league.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 12
  • Page Range: 175-192
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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