Mentality and non-(historicity) of the Slavs as dramatis personae in dramas written in English (1878-1990) Cover Image

Менталитет и (не)историчност Словена као dramatis personaе у драмама енглеског говорног подручја (1878–1990)
Mentality and non-(historicity) of the Slavs as dramatis personae in dramas written in English (1878-1990)

Author(s): Aleksandar M. Novaković
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts
Published by: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju
Keywords: Slavs; stereotypes; cultural model; hisotricity

Summary/Abstract: The image of the Slavic peoples was analysed on the basis of on the analysis of the theatre dramas written in English and in appropriate cultural circle. The starting point was a presumption that theatrical work indirectly speaks about the epoch described, standpoints of the authors and the times when it was written. It has been concluded that analysed dramas oftenly comprise of series of stereotypes, civilisation »codes«. The image of Slavs as emotional, impulsive, primitive, sexually uncontrolable and agresive barbarians has been identified. However, the main problem of the presumptions is based on the fact that they not only create repulsiveness to other nations and religious beliefs, but completely annul the individual. The example of Slavs has shown that it is possible, owing to the hatred based on small differences, to ostracize in a subtle way hundreds of millions of people from the continent they belong to, and the continent they had inhabited. Coming down to stereotype, either in arts, politics or in private life, a man ceases to mean anything personal, becomes just a part of a huge mass, which has an image, not nice at all. At the same time, arts, politics and social life, based on steretypes lead to selfdistruction, creating a world with no place for fantasy, world ruled by self-satisfied entities or »superior civilisations*:, which will, without input of new ideas and thoughts, cave in by themselves. Just as individuals can not be subject of generalizations, the whole nations have right to be excused from disparaging and hatred. Preconceptions about Slovenes are litmus of the modern society, because if »politicaly corrects hatred continue to function on the basis of »small differences*:, it will sooner or later, overflow to other nations.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 35-60
  • Page Count: 26
  • Language: Serbian
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