Ukrzyżowany i Zmartwychwstały jako Syn przyjęty przez Ojca. Personalistyczny przyczynek do trynitarnej koncepcji ekonomii zbawienia (2)
The one Crucified and Risen as Son received by Father. A personalistic contribution to the trinitarian conception of the economy of salvation (2)
Author(s): Sławomir KunkaSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Teologii
Keywords: suffering; human body; Son’s sacrifice; God’s Fatherhood; death; resurrection
Summary/Abstract: The inspiration to write this article is to a large extent the text of the not given conferenceno of late Fr. Eugeniusz Dutkiewicz SAC (†2002), one of the precursors of thehospice movement in Poland. The article consists of four points. The fi rst point showsthat the suffering person can go the way of liberation from himself and rely on God. Thehuman body has a dialogical structure, and thus the man by the conscious act of devotioncan become a victim. Christ’s sacrifi ce should be understood that way. He offers a sacrifi cefrom himself to the Father. It is a sacrifi ce of love, obedience and boundless devotion to theFather. The Father’s adoption of the Son’s sacrifi ce is testifi ed by the fact that “God raisedhim from the dead” (Rm 10: 9). For his friends, and through them to the whole world, theRisen Jesus is a revealer of love of the Triune God, Source, Redeemer and Giver of life
Journal: Teologia w Polsce
- Issue Year: 9/2015
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 95-114
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Polish