Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gender but Were Ashamed to Ask, or, the ‘Other Gender Puzzle’ by Paweł Dybel Cover Image

Wszystko, co chcielibyście wiedzieć o płci, ale wstydzicie się zapytać, czyli "zagadka drugiej płci" według Pawła Dybla
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gender but Were Ashamed to Ask, or, the ‘Other Gender Puzzle’ by Paweł Dybel

Author(s): Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska
Subject(s): Gender Studies
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Paweł Dybel; Psychoanalysis; Sexual Difference; Feminism; Philosophy.

Summary/Abstract: Book review: Paweł Dybel, Zagadka „drugiej płci”. Spory wokół różnicy seksualnej w psychoanalizie i feminizmie [‘The secret of the “other gender”. Disputes around the sexual difference in psychoanalysis and feminism’], UNIVERSITAS, Cracow, 2006. The book presents the history of afterthought regarding the sexual difference that was built as part of psychoanalysis and feminism alike. The book is not on the category of femininity but on the difference in sex/gender. Mr. Dybel has placed the gender studies’ issues in a broader philosophical context. On the other hand, he has found in psychoanalysis several threads fundamental to thinking on sexuality and the ensuing identity. On the other hand, he found those inspirations in our contemporary philosophy of difference, the philosophy of dialogue with the Alien, or, in philosophical anthropology. The author has also presented his own concept of sexual difference.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 138-148
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Polish
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