Foreign Historiography-methodological Inspirations – How to Write a Synthesis of the 19th Century History? Cover Image

Zahraniční historiograficko-metodologické inspirace aneb jak psát syntézu dějin 19. století?
Foreign Historiography-methodological Inspirations – How to Write a Synthesis of the 19th Century History?

Author(s): Milan Hlavačka
Subject(s): History
Published by: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci

Summary/Abstract: A historiography-methodological introduction into the inspirational synthetic approaches of Austrian and German historiographic(al) production to the 19th century has brought the following results: 1. the description of solely political and cultural history does not meet the requirements for successful synthesis; 2. the history of society is the principal paradigm of the present days; 3. this history of society is based on three respected and potentially modifiable pillars which are defined by the slogans Wirtschaft – Herrschaft – Kultur; or rather Arbeit – Macht – Sprache; 4. the history of society from the structuralist point of view ceases to be convenient too and recently it has been enriched by the results of anthropological, gender, microhistorical, demographical and other researches (e.g. by everyday history or the sociology of family) and 5. we do not search for the only universal “logic” in history but it is taken into consideration that several “logics” or several ways existed and in their clashes and influences the “genuine methodological clue” to interpretation of ambivalent lines is revealed. Classical creative means such as abstraction, generalization and comparison belong to a successful synthesis. In my opinion, a synthesis also must not lack the methodological instrumentarium of procedurality, clarification of causality, observance to basic time sequence or chronology and constant revelation of acting subjects´ motivation listed in order of priority.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 40
  • Page Range: 11-24
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Czech
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