Cienie transformacji – popegeerowskie bezrobocie. Przypadek zachodniopomorskiego rynku pracy
Cons of transformation –the post-pgr unemployment. The case of west pomeranian labour market
Author(s): Danuta KopycińskaSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: liquidation of state-owned farms (PGR); post-PGR unemployment; West Pome¬ranian voivodeship
Summary/Abstract: In 1991, state-owned farms (PGR) were closed in Poland, which eventually caused mass structural unemployment (also referred to as post-PGR unemployment). It was in West-Pomeranian voivodship, set up in 1999, that communes with the highest share of state-owned farms in Poland constituted about 90%. Consequently, the very moment the voivodeship was set up, it was placed second in all-Poland ranking presenting unemployment rates for all the newly created voivodeships. The present paper is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of actions taken to tackle post-PGR unemployment as well as identifying characteristic features of this type of unemployment in districts situated in West-Pomeranian voivodeship in the years 2012-2013.
Journal: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 352
- Page Range: 45-59
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish