Produktywność jako czynnik wzrostu gospodarczego w Polsce, Czechach i na Słowacji w okresie 2004-2013
Productivity as a factor of economic growth Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the period 2004-2013
Author(s): Wojciech SińskiSubject(s): Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
Published by: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne w Zielonej Górze
Keywords: economic growth; determinants of economic growth; productivity; income inequality
Summary/Abstract: This article attempts to provide a comparative analysis of the long-term (10 years) economic growth factors in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, after the accession to the European Union. While determinants of economic growth (human resources, capital, technological progress) are treated in this work as explanatory variables, the value of GDP is perceived as the dependent variable. The comparison of production factors dynamics with the GDP growth made it possible to analyze the extent to which one deals with an increase in productivity as compared with an increase of an extensive nature. The analysis of empirical data shows that the increase in productivity of the Slovak and Czech economies, measured by TFP (Total Factor Productivity), points to the fact that those economies make better use of accumulated capital than the Polish one. The paper also shows the changes which occurred in the years 2005-2013 in the distribution of income (measured by the Gini coefficient) in the Polish, Slovak and Czech households. Aknowledging all simplifications of the study, the analytical material presented in the paper primarily brings into question the innovation level of Polish enterprises. While the Polish economy has been undeniably successful in terms of economic growth, there is still a big gap to fill both with regard to the share of technological progress in the economic growth and in terms of reducing the scale of income inequality in the Polish households.
Journal: Zeszyty Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego w Zielonej Górze
- Issue Year: 3/2016
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 239-253
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish