Cinema in Pre-Industrial Societies: The Balkans in the Interwar Period Cover Image

Киното в прединдустриалните общества: Балканите в междувоенния период
Cinema in Pre-Industrial Societies: The Balkans in the Interwar Period

Author(s): Karl Kaser
Subject(s): History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Visual Arts, Local History / Microhistory, Oral history, Social history, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей при БАН
Keywords: anthropology;cinema;

Summary/Abstract: The article gives a rough overview about the development of cinema in the Balkan countries in the interwar period which was characterized by a low level of economy. Especially, the countries lacked industrial infrastructure which was a precondition for a flourishing cinema life from its very beginning. Therefore, cinema played only a marginal role in the agrarian Balkan countries. It was practically confined to the urban space. The European cinema market was dominated by international US-American and German film producers. In the Balkans a domestic film production could hardly emerge. The introduction of the talkie deteriorated conditions for domestic film pro¬duction because of the increasing production costs. Cinema could only become a mass phenomenon after the period of scrutiny when industrialization enabled mass consumption, also of films, in the 1950s and 1960s.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 453-474
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Bulgarian
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