Measuring the Performance of National, Regional and Local Governments Cover Image

Fungování národních, regionálních a lokálních vlád – problém měření výkonu vlád („government performance“)
Measuring the Performance of National, Regional and Local Governments

Author(s): Tomáš Kostelecký, Věra Patočková
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Sociologický ústav
Keywords: government performance; government effectiveness; government quality; measurement of government performance

Summary/Abstract: The question of whether a government works well or poorly is not just a matter of concern for the citizens of whatever region that government governs; it is also of interest to scientists and analysts in a variety of fields. However, information about a government’s performance is of use to the government itself. This article tries to answer the question of how government performance can be measured. It is impossible to come up with a generally acceptable and universal system of performance measurement, but the dozens of ways of measuring government performance can essentially be divided into four groups. The first group of approaches uses indicators of the socio-economic development in the governed area to measure a government’s performance. The second group of approaches comprises attempts to measure government performance by means of a subjective evaluation by citizens of the governed territory or by various experts. The third group of approaches includes all attempts at measuring government performance that focus on procedural and institutional effectiveness and the quality of government performance. The last group is made up of attempts to measure government performance with the aid of aggregate indexes, which are mathematical-statistical aggregates of subindicators representing various forms of government activity, the conditions in the territory governed by the government, and a subjective evaluation of government performance by citizens, by the people in government themselves, and by various experts. Individual sub-indicators characterise various types of government activity, and it is their aggregate that measures overall government performance.

  • Issue Year: 42/2006
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 913-936
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Czech
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