The main ideas of John Paul II’s encyclical Eclessia de Eucharistia in catechetic application Cover Image

Zasadnicze myśli encykliki Jana Pawła II Ecclesia de Eucharistia w zastosowaniu katechetycznym
The main ideas of John Paul II’s encyclical Eclessia de Eucharistia in catechetic application

Author(s): Elżbieta Tkocz
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Księgarnia Świętego Jacka

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the problem how the main ideas of encyclical Eclessia de Echa-ristia are brought into practice. The subject of cognition are those dogmatic contents in-cluded in encyclical which seem to be essential in catechesis focused on formation of young people eucharistic attitudes and awareness. What should be underlined is that eucharistic system employs both, doctrinal contents transmission and supporting young people in choosing life attitudes coming from those contents. Among dogmatic substances of educational implication those are important which deal with sacrifying, communal and eschatological dimension of Eucharist.They may be very helpful in supporting young man trying to understand the essence of real love and looking for value of his human existence. But one can not forget about the central role of testimony in the process of catechesis. Per-sonal testimony of belief and love to Eucharist was given by John Paul II in his encyclical. To become the real witness of prophetic truths, the catechist should follow the example of John Paul II and stay in personal and lively unity with Eucharistic Christ. It is the only condition when he can fulfil the superior aim of his service and get catechumen not only to the meeting with Jesus but also to unifying and deep intimacy with Him.

  • Issue Year: 2006
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 120-134
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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