Kontekst innowacji w grupach producentów rolnych
Author(s): Marta Domagalska-GrędysSubject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
Published by: Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: open innovation; innovation processes; agricultural producer groups; network farms; intra and inter-organization relations; the state of intra- group relations
Summary/Abstract: The main objective of the study described in the article is to identify and evaluatethe context of shaping innovation in agricultural producer groups. The groups were perceived as a starting point to establish a network of farms within which the emergenceof open innovation would be favoured. The context of innovation in groups of farmers wasreferred to the classical stakeholder theory based on closed innovation (Joseph Shumpeter)and open innovation promoted in collaborative networks by contemporary theorists (HenryChesbrough and Clayton Christiansen, Everett M. Rogers).A secondary objective of the study was to answer a question whether the state of intra--group relations was a prerequisite for enhancing innovation on farms, taking into accountthe change of relations between different profiles of production, indicators of group dynamics, assessment of relations with the cooperating institutions. The study was con duc tedin 2015 among groups of agricultural producers of the Lesser Poland (Małopolska) province,by applying the method of direct interview. The results show the greatest commitmentto innovation in the horticultural groups if they feature stable (unchanging) intra-grouprelations, average group indicators and a large number of co operating institutions.
Journal: Wieś i Rolnictwo
- Issue Year: 170/2016
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 139-164
- Page Count: 26
- Language: Polish