The Theory and Practice of Academic Entrepreneurialism: Transborder Polish-German Institutions Cover Image

The Theory and Practice of Academic Entrepreneurialism: Transborder Polish-German Institutions
The Theory and Practice of Academic Entrepreneurialism: Transborder Polish-German Institutions

Author(s): Marek Kwiek
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
Published by: Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: academic entrepreneurialism; Polish-German institutions

Summary/Abstract: The major question of this paper is as follows: how do Polish-German transborder universitiesrespond to the challenges of changing social and economic environments and to what extent theyare able to determine their futures? The analysis of academic entrepreneurialism of the ViadrinaUniversity in Frankfurt am Oder (Germany) and the Collegium Polonicum, a satellite part of AdamMickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland), is based on Burton Clark’s classic formulations of the fivemajor components of the entrepreneurial university. While in the beginning, a close transbordercooperation between the two institutions was assumed, followed by more relaxed cooperation inthe 2000s, currently a new impetuses can be found to cooperate closer in both teaching and research.Institutional change processes linked to academic entrepreneurialism are usually long-termand embedded in institutional cultures, values and norms. Their directions cannot be taken forgranted, not only at the level of planning but also, perhaps especially, at the level of implementation,though.

  • Issue Year: 2013
  • Issue No: 35
  • Page Range: 49-75
  • Page Count: 29
  • Language: English
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