Analytical Introduction of Economic and Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Hungarian Dance Festival of Győr Cover Image

A Győri Magyar Táncfesztivál gazdasági és társadalmi-kulturális hatásainak elemző bemutatása
Analytical Introduction of Economic and Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Hungarian Dance Festival of Győr

Author(s): Viktória Kundi
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal
Keywords: turizmus; fesztiválok; gazdasági és társadalmi hatások; hatásmérési modellek

Summary/Abstract: These days a bursting increase in the number of cultural festivals takes place. The aim of these events is to grant entertainment to the local inhabitants and to enhance the touristic abundance by adding a slice of the local culture to it. Because of these features the economic and socio-cultural analysis of festivals became indispensable. The present paper analyses the economic and socio-cultural impacts of the Hungarian Dance Festival in Győr, and intends to reveal the impacts of this event based on the international measurement methods, in the extent of Hungarian possibilities.

  • Issue Year: 53/2013
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 271-287
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Hungarian
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