Calități esențiale ale preotului și ale monahului pentru o misiune rodnică
Essential Qualities of the Priest and the Monk for a Fruitful Mission
Author(s): Ștefan-Gabriel CarașSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
Published by: Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Alba Iulia
Keywords: culture;spirituality;parish;monastery;sanctification;
Summary/Abstract: Within the parish or the monastery, both the priest and themonk, are required to have certain qualities both interior and exterior. I have highlighted in this study, several of these qualities, some being specific to the priest, and others to the monk, even though their mission is the same. Purely human qualities, necessary to any person, followed by the special qualities, necessary to the priest, like the culture, the spirituality, the ecumenism, the knowledge of oneself, of daily realities,his relations with the laity, are highlighted here, briefly. Also, I have shown some qualities specific to the monk, who by his role in the world but also outside the world, can and must have an important role in the life of the believers. At the end, I showed that, both the church and the monastery need each other, in their mission, the sanctification of the human being easier to reach when the two doors to heaven collaborate,their relationship being a perichoretic one, of interpenetration and not separation.
Journal: Altarul Reîntregirii
- Issue Year: XX/2015
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 101-113
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Romanian