«Parallélismes et convergences» (I) Les prémisses du rapprochement franco-roumain, 1956-1963
Parallelism and Convergence. Underpinnings of the French-Romanian Rapprochement, 1956-1963, I
Author(s): Irina GridanSubject(s): History
Published by: Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului
Keywords: French-Romanian relations; 60’s; diplomatic negotiations
Summary/Abstract: This article is a first installment of a series devoted to the French-Romanian relations in the 60’s. The author pursues to throw light on the mechanisms set in motion after the diplomatic negotiations, leading to rapprochement between Bucharest and Paris by the middle of the decade. That outcome was obvious notably during Gen. de Gaulle’s visit to Bucharest in 1968. Beginning in 1964, western observers highlighted the convergent foreign policy outlooks of the two countries, which was also a leitmotif of the Romanian leaders and diplomats. However, for a better understanding of the so conspicuous rapprochement of the mid-60’s, it is necessary to pinpoint the mechanisms that made it possible, at the beginning of the decade, to resume a dialogue that had severely declined since the onset of the communist power in Romania.
Journal: Arhivele Totalitarismului
- Issue Year: XVI/2008
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 97-122
- Page Count: 26
- Language: French
- Content File-PDF