Digital words… Harnessing technology to develop literacy skills in early education of children (on the example of the
Polish language) Cover Image

Cyfrowe słowa… Wykorzystanie technologii w rozwijaniu kompetencji językowych dzieci na etapie wczesnoszkolnym (na przykładzie języka polskiego)
Digital words… Harnessing technology to develop literacy skills in early education of children (on the example of the Polish language)

Author(s): Anna Wileczek, Izabela Jaros
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Preschool education, School education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego
Keywords: digital words; technology; literacy skills; early education

Summary/Abstract: In the paper the outcomes of Polish learners in the area of reading literacy withreference to selected international (PIRLS 2011) and national (Study of the ThirdGrade Learners’ Basic Skills 2010, 2011 and Nationwide Study of the Third GradeLearners’ Skills 2012) research results are presented. However, the main aim of thepaper is to present some ways of integrating digital tools to foster literacy skills (readingin particular) in early childhood education, and, thus, to support the acquisitionof mother tongue. The focus is on developing creativity since this is one of the areas inwhich learners achieved the lowest results in nationwide studies. Examples of creative,interactive and multisensory ways of learning and enriching the linguistic resources(e.g.: IWB, Storybird, Wordle, Tagxedo, Voicethread, Vocaroo, Voki), are referred to. Selecteddigital tools have been tested by UJK students while teaching lessons to secondand third grade learners of primary school. The use of modern technology to developliteracy competence is at the pilot stage. The complete research results revealing theeffectiveness of technology-enhanced teaching / learning process in the discussed areawill be available in one year.

  • Issue Year: 24/2014
  • Issue No: 24
  • Page Range: 67-76
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: English
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