Tradition of Socratism in philosophical educational reflection
Tradition of Socratism
in philosophical educational reflection
Author(s): Maciej WoźniczkaSubject(s): Philosophy, History of Philosophy
Published by: Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: didactics of philosophy; Socratic Education; Socratic Method; dydaktyka filozofii; edukacja sokratejska; metoda sokratejska
Summary/Abstract: W artykule podjęto próbę podsumowania współczesnej filozoficznej refleksji edukacyjnej,związanej z poglądami Sokratesa. Zwraca się uwagę, że postać i przekonania Sokratesa zajmują szczególne miejsce w dydaktyce nauk filozoficznych. Sokrates traktowany jest jako jeden z głównych nauczycieli w całej kulturze filozoficznej i twórca oryginalnych idei pedagogicznych.Jako podstawową do interpretacji przyjęto postać Sokratesa Ksenofontowego (wg źródeł najsilniej związaną z postawą kształcenia). We współczesnej refleksji dydaktycznej wymienia się wiele elementów, związanych z poglądami i przekonaniami tej postaci. Do głównych, tworzących fragmenty współczesnych koncepcji kształcenia filozoficznego, należy zaliczyć: 1. moralizm w koncepcji kształcenia: edukacja prowadzić ma do cnoty, rozumianej jako podstawa mądrości; postawa absolutyzmu moralnego wbrew nie tylko sofistom, ale i stoikom, i cynikom; 2. podstawy dla koncepcji nauczania etyki (modele, natura cnoty, istota postawy moralnej); 3. prezentowanie publicznej wizji edukacyjnej filozofii (w przeciwieństwie do wizji „prywatnych” np. Kartezjusza czy Kierkegaarda); 4. oparcie na racjonalnej metodzie kształcenia (paradygmat racjonalnego nauczania), określanej jako metoda sokratejska, z podkreśleniem znaczenia komunikacji werbalnej i stymulującej myślenie funkcji stawiania pytań i formułowania odpowiedzi; podstawa dla analitycznych koncepcji edukacji; 5. dobra koncepcja propedeutyki filozofii (np. klasyczny składnik wszelkich wstępów i wprowadzeń do filozofii, wykorzystywanie w modelu Lipmana edukacji filozoficznej dzieci); 6. silne wiązanie spekulacji filozoficznej z praktyką egzystencjalną (wręcz egzystencjalne zadanie filozofii), akcentowanie składnika personalnego (upodmiotowienie i spersonalizowanie refleksji, znaczenie uczucia, przeżycia i doświadczenia emocjonalnego, znaczenie pokory i godności), ugruntowanie doświadczenia egzystencjalnego na filozofii ponad procedurą rozumienia filozofii; 7. przykład odpowiedzialności i pragmatyzmu; wielość technik oddziaływania dydaktycznego (ironia i prowokacja, dociekliwość i krytyka, perswazja i ignorancja, metoda elenktyczna i gra indukcyjna).Konsekwencje myśli edukacyjnej Sokratesa mogą prowadzić do pytań fundamentalnych: czy mądrość może być nauczana, czy w dyskursie filozoficznym mogą być przenoszone wartości? Czy wreszcie można traktować Sokratejską wizją funkcji filozofii jako dyscypliny uczącej człowieka jego samego? Jakie są perspektywy dalszego wykorzystania w dydaktyce tradycji sokratejskiej? In the article an attempt was taken to summarise the contemporary philosophical reflection on education connected with the views of Socrates. It must be taken into consideration that the figureand beliefs of Socrates have a special place in the didactics of philosophical sciences. Socrates treated as one of the main teachers in all the philosophical culture and a creator of original pedagogical ideas. The figure of Socrates according to Xenofon (in the light of the sources this figure is the most connected with the educational attitude) was assumed as the base of interpretation. A number of elements connected with the views and beliefs of this figure are mentioned in the contemporary philosophical reflection. Among the main ones which form the fragments of the contemporary conceptions of philosophical education the following should be counted: 1. moralism in the conception of education: education is supposed to lead to virtue understood as the basis of wisdom;the attitude of moral absolutism contrary not only to the sophists but also the stoics and the cynics; 2. the basis for the conception of teaching ethics (models, the nature of virtue, the essence of themoral attitude); 3. presentation of the public vision of educative philosophy (contrary to the “private” visions of i.e. Descartes or Kierkegaard); 4. basing on rational method of education (rational teaching paradigm) described as Socratic method with emphasising the meaning of verbal communication and question-and-answer function which stimulates thinking; the basis for analytical conceptions of education; 5. good conception of propaedeutics of philosophy (i.e. the classical component of all the introductions to philosophy, using philosophical education of children in the Lipman model); 6. strong combining of philosophical speculation with existential practice, (not In the article an attempt was taken to summarise the contemporary philosophical reflection oneducation connected with the views of Socrates. It must be taken into consideration that the figureand beliefs of Socrates have a special place in the didactics of philosophical sciences. Socrates treated as one of the main teachers in all the philosophical culture and a creator of original pedagogical ideas. The figure of Socrates according to Xenofon (in the light of the sources this figure is the most connected with the educational attitude) was assumed as the base of interpretation. A number of elements connected with the views and beliefs of this figure are mentioned in the contemporaryphilosophical reflection. Among the main ones which form the fragments of the contemporary conceptions of philosophical education the following should be counted: 1. moralism in the con-ception of education: education is supposed to lead to virtue understood as the basis of wisdom;the attitude of moral absolutism contrary not only to the sophists but also the stoics and the cynics;2. the basis for the conception of teaching ethics (models, the nature of virtue, the essence of themoral attitude); 3. presentation of the public vision of educative philosophy (contrary to the “pri-vate” visions of i.e. Descartes or Kierkegaard); 4. basing on rational method of education (rationalteaching paradigm) described as Socratic method with emphasising the meaning of verbal com-munication and question-and-answer function which stimulates thinking; the basis for analyticalconceptions of education; 5. good conception of propaedeutics of philosophy (i.e. the classicalcomponent of all the introductions to philosophy, using philosophical education of children in theLipman model); 6. strong combining of philosophical speculation with existential practice (notnotsay existential task of philosophy), stressing of personal element, stressing of personal element (subjectivization and personaliztion of reflection, the meaning of emotion and emotional experience, the meaning of humility and dignity), strengthening of existential experience on philosophy over the procedure of understanding of philosophy; 7. an example of responsibility and pragmatism; multitude of didactic influence techniques (irony and provocation, inquiry and criticism, persuasion and ignorance, elenctic method and inductive game). The consequences of the Socratic educational thought may lead to fundamental questions: can wisdom be taught, can values be transferred in philosophical discussion? Can at least the Socraticvision of the function of philosophy be treated as a discipline teaching a human to himself? What are the perspectives of further using the Socratic tradition in didactics?In the article an attempt was taken to summarise the contemporary philosophical reflection on education connected with the views of Socrates. It must be taken into consideration that the figureand beliefs of Socrates have a special place in the didactics of philosophical sciences. Socrates treated as one of the main teachers in all the philosophical culture and a creator of original pedagogical ideas.The figure of Socrates according to Xenofon (in the light of the sources this figure is the most connected with the educational attitude) was assumed as the base of interpretation. A number of elements connected with the views and beliefs of this figure are mentioned in the contemporary philosophical reflection. Among the main ones which form the fragments of the contemporary conceptions of philosophical education the following should be counted: 1. moralism in the conception of education: education is supposed to lead to virtue understood as the basis of wisdom;the attitude of moral absolutism contrary not only to the sophists but also the stoics and the cynics;2. the basis for the conception of teaching ethics (models, the nature of virtue, the essence of themoral attitude); 3. presentation of the public vision of educative philosophy (contrary to the “private” visions of i.e. Descartes or Kierkegaard); 4. basing on rational method of education (rational teaching paradigm) described as Socratic method with emphasising the meaning of verbal communication and question-and-answer function which stimulates thinking; the basis for analytical conceptions of education; 5. good conception of propaedeutics of philosophy (i.e. the classical component of all the introductions to philosophy, using philosophical education of children in the Lipman model); 6. strong combining of philosophical speculation with existential practice (notnotsay existential task of philosophy), stressing of personal element, stressing of personal element (subjectivization and personaliztion of reflection, the meaning of emotion and emotional experience, the meaning of humility and dignity), strengthening of existential experience on philosophy over the procedure of understanding of philosophy; 7. an example of responsibility and pragmatism; multitude of didactic influence techniques (irony and provocation, inquiry and criticism, persuasion and ignorance, elenctic method and inductive game).The consequences of the Socratic educational thought may lead to fundamental questions: can wisdom be taught, can values be transferred in philosophical discussion? Can at least the Socraticvision of the function of philosophy be treated as a discipline teaching a human to himself? What are the perspectives of further using the Socratic tradition in didactics?
Journal: Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Filozofia
- Issue Year: IX/2012
- Issue No: 9
- Page Range: 79-98
- Page Count: 20
- Language: English