Stanisławo Moniuszkos Vilniaus laikotarpio bažnytinė kūryba. I dalis: bendra apžvalga, giesmės ir kūriniai vargonams
The spiritual creation of Stanisław Moniuszko in Vilnius period. Part I: a review, canticles and writings for the organs
Author(s): Laima BudzinauskienėSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Music, Theology and Religion, 19th Century
Published by: Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla
Keywords: XIX century; Vilnius; Stanisław Moniuszko; spiritual music; canticles and writings for the organ;
Summary/Abstract: The spiritual creation of a famous composer Stanisław Moniuszko (1819–1872) is a wide and little analysed subject. The main object of the article is canticles and writings for the organ created in Vilnius period (1839–1858), which are analysed in the general context of his work and creation. The first part of this publication deals with the composer’s spiritual and organ music created in Vilnius period (in the second part I will analyse choral music and such great compositions as mass, cantata, litanies, etc.). The task of the article – to analyse canticles and writings for the organ created by Moniuszko in Vilnius period and evaluate them not only in his personal creation practice but also in the general context of Polish and Lithuanian music history. The article presents new facts of composer’s creativity and specifies the old ones. By way of Moniuszko creation is analysed referring to the bibliography of Vilnius, Warsaw and Moscow also letters written by Moniuszko and other published sources. The aim of this article is to supplement with new ideas and observations the former studies, made by Polish and Lithuanian musicologists about Moniuszko’s creative work. The methods used in the article – historical, comparative and synthesis.
Journal: Menotyra
- Issue Year: 18/2011
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 214-226
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Lithuanian