Muzikinis ugdymas Lietuvoje XVIII a. pabaigoje–XIX amžiuje. Bažnyčių mokyklos
Musical education in Lithuania (end of the 18th–19th c.). The church schools
Author(s): Laima BudzinauskienėSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Education, Music, 18th Century, 19th Century
Published by: Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla
Summary/Abstract: The development of musical education in Lithuania, as well as rises and declines of all cultural life, depended on changes of historical conditions and activity of patrons and local musicians. In the 18th century, most of musical collectives that played in the seats and churches of the country were in hand of those who studied music for a very short time or finished the “schools” of self-educated teachers. A closed system of exercising, when a school of the seat or church prepared forthcoming members only for their own collectives, emerged later and prolonged in Lithuania, and gave tangible benefits since musical education, cherished in a narrow space, grew into a network of musical schools embracing the whole country.Attention in the article is focused on church schools. According to the available archival sources certain groups of schools are noted in the paper, – their activities, educational programs, differences and similarities are considered in comparison with seat schools, etc. The preparation of organists in different schools and the classes of organists are analysed individually.The seat and church schools trained some brilliant musicians. In Lithuania, at the end of the 18th c. and in the 19th c. private and public educational institutions became an important phenomenon in the country’s cultural life. Though modest in the time plane but positively operating, church schools not only raised the artistical level of church musical collectives, but also had a direct influence on the formation and prosperity of Lithuanian musical culture.
Journal: Menotyra
- Issue Year: 15/2008
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 13-24
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Lithuanian