Necesitatea cunoaşterii şi respectării normelor specifice dreptului comunitar
The necessity of the knowledge and the respecting of the norms specific to the comparative law
Author(s): Gavril Paraschiv, Daniel-Ştefan ParaschivSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Universul Juridic
Summary/Abstract: In a wide meaning, the communitarian law is made of the legal rules ensemble applicable to the communitarian legal order. So, next to the written sources (primary or derived), there are also the unwritten sources (indirect) – the general law principles, jurisprudence of the Justice Court of the European Union or the communitarian common law – and the sources that have their origin outside the communitarian legal order. In a closed meaning, the communitarian law refers to the institutive Treats of the European Union and to the Treats that are changing, completing and adapting them / as primary sources / and to the rules inside the acts from the communitarian institutions, adopted for applying those Treats / as derived sources (secondary), that are specific to the communitarian law.
Journal: Revista Pro Lege
- Issue Year: 2008
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 104-114
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Romanian