Modernization of system of forecasting and planning of social and economic development in Republic of Belarus in the conditions of eurointegration Cover Image

Модернизация системы прогнозирования и планирования социально-экономического развития в Республике Беларусь в условиях евроинтеграции
Modernization of system of forecasting and planning of social and economic development in Republic of Belarus in the conditions of eurointegration

Author(s): Tat'iana Tsetsiarynets, Dmitrii Chyzh
Subject(s): National Economy, Regional Geography, Economic policy, Social development, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Economic development, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі
Keywords: planning; forecasting; system; modernization; law; project; Customs union; Common economic space

Summary/Abstract: Article is devoted to studying of theoretical and methodological features of formation of system of planning and forecasting in thecountries of the Customs union and the Common economic space.Purpose: The analysis of system of the state forecasting and planning in the countries of the Customs union and the Commoneconomic space; detection of distinctive features, merits and demerits of system of state planning in each of the countries;consideration of the bill on the state indicative planning of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus from aposition of the modernization of system of state planning and forecasting.Methods – analytical, a comparison method.Results of work: The analysis of systems of the state planning and forecasting of social and economic development showed thatthe mechanism which has developed in Republic of Belarus demands further improvement and significantly differs from partners ofthe Customs union and the Common economic space. Elimination of the revealed differences found reflection in the new bill forwhich the indicative orientation of planning and specification of system of forecasting is characteristic.Conclusions: Offered the recommendations to modernization of the system of planning and forecasting of the Republic of Belarus for thepurpose of adaptation of this mechanism to algorithm of the countries – participants of the Customs union and the Common economic space. Itwill allow to create equal conditions of trade and economic cooperation and social and economic development of the specified states.

  • Issue Year: 1/2014
  • Issue No: 22
  • Page Range: 195-201
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Russian
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