Opera ar drama… Aleksejus Kartavovas Vilniuje
Opera or drama… Aleksey Kartavov in Vilnius
Author(s): Vida BakutytėSubject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Cultural history, Music, 19th Century, Drama
Published by: Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla
Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the most significant period in the development of the professional Lithuanian theatre art, especially that of music. For four seasons (1887–1891) the Vilnius City Theatre under the leadership of the talented theatre organizer Aleksey Kartavov saw the ascent of mastership, especially in the sphere of opera. Performances of supreme professional level with accurate selection of singers made the Vilnius City Theatre famous. Not only the response of Vilnius dwellers but also the opinion of Vilnius guests as well as reviews of Kartavov himself rendered in places of the touring of the Vilnius Theatre in Riga, Mintauja (Jelgava) and Warsaw proved the success. Analysis of the circumstances helping or hindering Kartavov from fulfilling his plans is given in the publication. The role of the active responsiveness of the theatre critics is especially highlighted. The article gives a profound analysis of the repertoire changes related to the fluctuation of the priorities of genres, when the opera, for some time in competition with drama, prevailed over the operette. The Vilnius Theatre contributed both to the maturity of the singers’ experience and elaboration of dramatic sophistication. The four seasons of Kartavov left a significant impact on the propagation of theatre art, especially that of opera, in Lithuania.
Journal: Menotyra
- Issue Year: 14/2007
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 32-44
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Lithuanian