A “Report” and the Context of the Evolution of the Historical Writing from the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldavia (Bucharest, August 1980) Cover Image

Un „Raport” şi contextul evoluţiei scrisului istoric din RSS Moldovenească (Bucureşti, august 1980)*
A “Report” and the Context of the Evolution of the Historical Writing from the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldavia (Bucharest, August 1980)

Author(s): Stelian Mândruţ, Ottmar Traşcă
Subject(s): History, Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
Published by: Societatea de Studii Istorice din România
Keywords: Report World Congress History Bucharest – 1980; Historiography Romania-USSR.

Summary/Abstract: The study aims to comment and publish a document written by the historians V.I. Taranov, D.M. Dragnev and P.V. Sovetov, concerning the contribution, within the official delegation of the U.S.S.R historians, to the World Congress of Historical Sciences, in Bucharest, between August 10th-17th, 1980. The memory, identified as a result of the research work in the Central Scientific Archive of the Moldavian Academy in Chişinău represents an attempt to illustrate the exchange of ideas in Bucharest, in August 1980. It represents an interesting approach of the context of the scientific session, the number of the participants, the representatives of the most important states, and moreover, the issues under discussion in sections, commissions or committees. Obviously, the report of the authors relies on the thesis of the supremacy of the Soviet science, so that the Congress took place under this main idea. As a result, the report of the three specialists represents an illustrative sample of the mentality of that period, when political and ideological confrontations typical for the cold war, influenced even the international historiographical scientific reunions, demonstrating once more, that history was still a powerful “weapon”, used by politics. As it was to be expected, the above document was a generous framework for critical opinions addressed to the Romanian researches, on different subjects. Beyond the professional objections of the members of the Soviet delegation, the memory illustrates the implied blame, not only of Nicolae Ceauseacu’s politics, but also of the nationalist-communist trend within the Romanian historiography.

  • Issue Year: IV/2012
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 403-425
  • Page Count: 23
  • Language: Romanian
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