A Change or Modernization in Conjugal and Reproductive Behavior of the Population in Slovakia? Cover Image

A Change or Modernization in Conjugal and Reproductive Behavior of the Population in Slovakia?
A Change or Modernization in Conjugal and Reproductive Behavior of the Population in Slovakia?

Author(s): Magdaléna Piscová
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Sociologický ústav - Slovenská akadémia vied

Summary/Abstract: The qualitative change in political and economic conditions in our society since 1989 has created a historically unique situation conducive for pursuing the changes in principal demographic parameters within the framework of interpretative model concerning the relation between political and economic factors and the arrangement of family systems. The period from 1989 is historically very short for any generalization the changes occurred in certain demographic characteristics and mainly in matrimonial and family behavior. As very significant change can be mentioned the constant decrease in the nuptiality and in the birth rate. Decreasing nuptiality reflects mainly the high economic demands connected with establishing the new family as well as the extending space for fulfilling of the variety of new life activities. In natality processes we can observe the signals of "kinderfeindlich" attitudes toward the children. In the last years the extramarital birth rate has increased considerably. The territorial and, probably also the ethnic differentiation of this phenomenon is very high. The divorce rate in Slovakia is constantly much lower than it is in the other developed European countries. In the next years we expect a further increase in divorce rates due to the growing troubles with harmonizing professional and social careers of both spouses. Present population processes due to the absence of the clear concept of population policy, obtain a very spontaneous character.

  • Issue Year: 1996
  • Issue No: Spring
  • Page Range: 30-37
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: English
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