Akú teóriu pre súčasné demokracie? K teoretickým diskusiám o vzťahu konceptov participatívnej a deliberatívnej demokracie
Finding the Theory for Contemporary Democracies: Theoretical Discussions on Relationship of the Concepts of Participatory and Deliberative Democracy
Author(s): Marián SekerákSubject(s): Public Administration, Politics and society
Published by: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Filozofická fakulta, Inštitút politológie
Keywords: Deliberative democracy;Participatory democracy;Theory of democracy;
Summary/Abstract: Deliberative democracy represents one of the most discussed concepts in contemporary political science. It is believed that is rooted in the idea of participatory democracy which appeared as a theory in 1970s. In the paper both concepts are analyzed in comparative perspective. Firstly, the idea of public deliberation is introduced, together with its “four (theoretical) generations”. Secondly, I shed some light on the ongoing issue of the relationship of participatory and deliberative democracies through the perspective of various contemporary scholars. Consequently, some of their common traits are clarified.
Journal: Annales Scientia Politica
- Issue Year: 4/2015
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 8-18
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Slovak