Censuses of the Military Communities of Pančevo and Bela Crkva 1812 and 1813 Cover Image

Сумарни пописи војних комунитета Панчево и Бела Црква за 1812. и 1813. годину
Censuses of the Military Communities of Pančevo and Bela Crkva 1812 and 1813

Author(s): Nino Delić
Subject(s): History, 19th Century
Published by: Istorijski institut, Beograd
Keywords: census; The Habsburg Monarchy; military communities; Banat military frontier; Pančevo; Bela Crkva; statistical data; demography; economics; 19th century

Summary/Abstract: Two census documents containing summary data for the former military communities Pančevo and Bela Crkva in the Banat region of the Military frontier are hold at the Austrian state archives in Vienna. Both documents contain data for the years 1812 and 1813, and thus a year to year comparison is possible. In the case of Pančevo, certain changes in population indicate a noteworthy immigration to the city occurred. Important information about demographic (population by status, religion etc.) and economic (number of livestock, land usage specifications, tax revenue etc.) structures are available for further scientific research.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 37
  • Page Range: 67-84
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Serbian
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