Palimps est as one of the possible languages to understand art history in the 20th century (the example of Košice art in the 1920s) Cover Image

Palimpsest ako jeden z možných jazykov interpretácie dejín umenia 20. storočia (Na príklade umenia Košíc dvadsiat ych rokov 20. storočia)
Palimps est as one of the possible languages to understand art history in the 20th century (the example of Košice art in the 1920s)

Author(s): Zuzana Bartošová
Subject(s): Cultural history
Published by: Ústav svetovej literatúry, Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: Košice; 1920s; Josef Polák; Východoslovenské múzeum; Hungarian Speaking Artists; Dynamics of the Life of Visual Arts

Summary/Abstract: Over the last decades, researchers’ attention has gradually turned from the events in traditional artistic centres to the issues relating to the art history of periphery. This can also be exemplified by 20th century Slovakia, namely by the appropriation of works of artists speaking other than Slovak language in the first half of the century. The paper focuses on some specifics and personalities of cultural life in the East Slovakian town of Košice in the 1920s. With the presence of numerous Hungarian and Jewish minorities it was characterised by multiculturality, which was visible in the dynamics of artistic life. The development of art was allowed by the atmosphere of a tolerant Masarykian democracy of the First Czechoslovak Republic; finding a temporary home in Košice, the immigrants significantly enriched the local art.

  • Issue Year: V/2013
  • Issue No: special
  • Page Range: 56-74
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Slovak
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