Metaphorische Phraseologismen in ichtwissenschaftlichen Texten mit medizinischer Thematik
Metaphorical Phraseologisms in Non-Scientific Medical Articles
Author(s): Marta Anna GierzyńskaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: conceptual metaphor; phraseologism; cognitive theory of metaphor; subordinate concepts
Summary/Abstract: This article describes the usage and occurrence of metaphorical phraseologisms and theirfunctions in non-scientific medical articles. According to Harald Weinrich’s theory [1976]and cognitive theory of metaphors by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson [1980], metaphoricalphraseologisms, as well as single metaphors can be associated with subordinate concepts.Due to high complicity of metaphors described in this article they appear in the form of constellationsand have been arranged according to such concepts as: MEDICINE IS A GAME, ILLNESSIS AN ENEMY AND THERAPY IS A STRUGGLE and also SICKNESS AND LEADING TO SICKNESS ISA CRIME.
Journal: Acta Neophilologica
- Issue Year: 2/2013
- Issue No: XV
- Page Range: 31-41
- Page Count: 11
- Language: German