İngiltere’deki Dinsel Rasyonalistlerin Ekonomik Olaylar Hakkındaki Yorumları
The Comments on Economic Affairs of Religious Rationalists in England
Author(s): Kürşat Haldun AkalinSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Economy, Logic, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, 17th Century, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Kafkas Üniversitesi Sağlık, Kültür ve Spor Daire Başkanlığı Dijital Baskı Merkezi
Keywords: Just price; Fair price; Usury; Interest; Accumulation of wealth;
Summary/Abstract: Richard Baxter was a religious rationalist. If his religion failed to provide a clear guide on any point, he decided on grounds of logic and common sense. Further, he expected others to use their reason. Baxter attempted to arrive at a conception of just price. Market or customary price must be taken into account, but the just price may differ from it if the relative bargaining strength or wealth. Especially efficiency in business can rightly expect to be rewarded or more profits than the others, and inefficiency penalized or went to bankrupt. Baxter also has a good deal to say on lending and borrowing. He says that a poor man might not rightfully borrow if he knew that he could not repay. Under such circumstances, borrowing is thieving. Baxter then deals with the question of financing of business on borrowed capital. There is no ethical objection to commercial or industrial borrowing, because they invest profitable business and they may be gain more profits. John Wesley was quite clear that, so far from money being evil in itself, it could be an instrument of the greatest good; for this reason gains all you can and save all you can. Money must not be spent to gratify pride or expensive clothes; but must be invested in business activities.
Journal: Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
- Issue Year: 1/2011
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 90-110
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Turkish