College Students and Smartphone Ownership: Symbolic Meanings
and Smartphone Consumption among Nigerian Students Cover Image

College Students and Smartphone Ownership: Symbolic Meanings and Smartphone Consumption among Nigerian Students
College Students and Smartphone Ownership: Symbolic Meanings and Smartphone Consumption among Nigerian Students

Author(s): Olusegun Fariudeen Liadi
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Editura Universitară Danubius
Keywords: Smartphone; meaning; Nigeria; college students; popular pressure

Summary/Abstract: The article aims to understand conception of Smartphones ownership among a sample of 65Nigerian undergraduates aged 17-27 years; and whether their construction of Smartphone ownershipinfluences them to buy/carry one. A qualitative approach to data collection was adopted to elicitinformation among students of two federal (public) tertiary institutions in southwest region of Nigeria.The results show that Smartphone is not simply a technology for communication but, to a large extent,a social symbolic object for its carriers. Symbolic meanings are constructed and attached withSmartphone ownership beyond mere functional attributes. For my participants, carrying a Smartphoneimplies high-taste associated with ‘being cool’, trendy, wealthy. Many seem to believe only those withexpensive taste could own Smartphones. This feeling was so strong that many would rather makefriends with other Smartphone owners than be seen with students carrying regular phones. One of thethemes that also emerged from participants’ narratives is pressure to fitting-in into groups that ownSmartphone; which they say influence their purchase decision.

  • Issue Year: 10/2016
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 17-31
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: English
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