Dictionaries in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – a contribution to the history of (Western)Ruthenian lexicography and word-inventory Cover Image

Słowniki w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim – przyczynek do historii (zachodnio)ruskiej leksykografii i leksyki
Dictionaries in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – a contribution to the history of (Western)Ruthenian lexicography and word-inventory

Author(s): Lilia Citko
Subject(s): Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Lexis, Baltic Languages, 16th Century, 17th Century
Published by: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Ruthenian language; Church Slavonic language; macro- and microstructure of dictionary; lexis;

Summary/Abstract: In the article an attempt to describe the oldest Western Ruthenian dictionary has been made. The analysis is based on the following texts: 1) Лексисъ с толкованiемъ словенскихъ мовъ просто of the first part of the 16th century, 2) Лексис Сирhчъ Речeн¿#, Въкрaтъцh събрaн(ъ)ны. И iз слове(н)скаго “зыка, напросты(й) Рuскiй Дi#ле(к)тъ Истол(ъ)кованы Л,З by L. Zizaniy (Vilno 1596), 3) Лексiконъ славеноросскiй i именъ тлъкованiе by P. Berynda (Kiev 1627), 4) Синонима славеноросcкая (the end of the 17th century). The focus of attention is directed to lexicographic specificity of the antique texts, the elements of their macro- and microstructures, sources and techniques of material documentation, which made it possible to observe the evolution of lexicographers` methodological procedure in the range of the structure of an entry, e.g.: efforts to introduce grammatical information, qualifiers (mostly etymological and stylistic), and material exemplification. Dictionaries, which were essentially used to learn the language of liturgical celebration, contained religious vocabulary. It should be noted, however, that their authors introduced Ruthenian words of various thematic groups and stylistic registers to the translated parts of lexicons. In Berynda`s dictionary Polish loan words appeared as entries.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 40
  • Page Range: 109-125
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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