Can We Also Predict Electronic Peer Violence Based On the Predictors of Traditional Peer Violence? Cover Image

Možemo li na temelju prediktora tradicionalnoga vršnjačkog nasilja predviđati elektroničko vršnjačko nasilje?
Can We Also Predict Electronic Peer Violence Based On the Predictors of Traditional Peer Violence?

Author(s): Tena Velki, Gordana Kuterovac-Jagodić
Subject(s): Studies in violence and power, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar
Keywords: traditional peer violence; electronic peer violence; predictors;

Summary/Abstract: The main aim of the study is to test whether the predictors of traditional peer violence consistently obtained in previous studies may also be good at predicting electronic peer violence. The predictability of individual (age, gender, school success), family (parental punishment, warmth, monitoring and permissiveness) and peer variables (number of friends, peer acceptance, previous victimization) were examined. The study included 880 students of fifth to eighth grade. Individual and peer variables were measured with a Questionnaire on violence among school children (UNSD) and parental variables with the Parental behavior questionnaire (URP-29). The results obtained by hierarchical regression analysis showed that the selected variables explain about 30% of the total variance of traditional violence and about 10% of the total variance of electronic violence. All the assumed variables proved to be significant predictors of traditional violence, while electronic violence had a smaller number of significant individual and family predictors. We can conclude that the current predictors of traditional violence only partially explain electronic violence, so we need to include some additional variables in order to better predict electronic peer violence (e.g., frequency of use of media, electronic victimization, etc.).

  • Issue Year: 25/2016
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 523-545
  • Page Count: 23
  • Language: Croatian
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