The “Axial” (“Vanishing Axis”) Perspective
The “Axial” (“Vanishing Axis”) Perspective
Author(s): Daniel SofronSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts
Published by: Editura ARTES
Keywords: axial perspective; vanishing axis perspective; space representation; ancient Greek art; ancient Roman art; optics
Summary/Abstract: The present paper approaches the axial perspective, a methodof spatial representation that precedes the invention of the Renaissancegeometrical perspective. Despite being typical to ancient Greek andRoman art, the axial perspective can also be identified during the MiddleAges and the early Renaissance period and it represents the first form ofsystematic convergence of parallel lines. At the same time, the paperpresents Erwin Panofsky's theories on this spatial suggestion method.Trying to offer it a scientific foundation, the researcher builds a systemthat he calls "the vanishing axis perspective" and puts forward a series ofarguments in favour of the existence of such a perspective. Although theaxial perspectival constructions imply awkward superimpositions ofplanes that might seem geometrically inaccurate, this method of spatialstructuring of the image constitutes an important stage in the process ofidentifying solutions for the faithful reproduction of concrete reality andan essential stepin the development process of thevanishing pointperspective.
Journal: Anastasis Research in Medieval Culture and Art
- Issue Year: II/2015
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 175-184
- Page Count: 10
- Language: English