Rites of initiation into the world of peripheral Cover Image

Rituri de iniţiere în lumea periferiei
Rites of initiation into the world of peripheral

Author(s): Aritina Iancu (Micu-Oțelea)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Universitatea »1 Decembrie 1918« Alba Iulia
Keywords: slum; outskirts; death; initiation rites; center and periphery; love; sexuality

Summary/Abstract: In its most general acceptance the term of initiation indicates a corpus of rites and oral learnings whose purpose is the production of a decisive change in the religious and social status of the one that undergoes initiation (...) he (the neophyte) has become another” . The present thesis starts from the premise that for a man of the slums, a ”ceremonial animal” himself, initiation is absolutely necessary, be it erotic initiation, or that of secret societies, or of death. The axiological system of this reality (values, beliefs) shapes its specifications, the laws that guide it, sometimes totally different from that of the ”others”, from that of the center. That is why the entrance to this world assumes the following of certain steps, of an initiation route, even if it takes the form of a descent into hell.

  • Issue Year: 16/2015
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 43-54
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Romanian
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