Diakonia jako účast člověka na věčném sdílení trojiční lásky
Teologicko antropologická východiska diakonie na pozadí encykliky Deus caritas est
Diakonia as Participation of Human Beings in the Eternal Sharing of Trinitarian Love: The Theological and Anthropological Foundations of Diakonia in the Perspective of the Encyclical Deus Caritas Est
Author(s): Jan HojdaSubject(s): Theology and Religion
Published by: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Keywords: Diakonia; Trinitarian Love; Ecstasis; Kenosis; Perichoresis; Humans
Summary/Abstract: The main aim of the paper is to develop one of the basic themes of the encyclical Deus caritas est – the connection between theology and anthropology. It aims at reminding us, that according to the encyclical the dynamics of human love can only be fulfilled in the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ. Through an encounter with this love eros is transformed into ectasis, which means going out of oneself in a self giving love. Selfless love is realized as an emptying (kenosis) of one’s own heart for the other and is fulfilled in the act of loving acceptance. The paper also points out the connection between human love dynamically aimed at its fulfilment and the mystery of Trinitarian love. The sharing of Trinitarian love is depicted as the dynamics of eternal ectasis, kenosis and perichoresis. Upon this background it emphasizes that diakonia as a service of love is deeply connected with the ontological structure of every human being.
Journal: Studia theologica
- Issue Year: XVIII/2016
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 131-146
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Czech