Gospodarka finansowa jednostek terytorialnych Krakowskiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego wobec nowych wyzwań
Financial management of territorial units of the functional urban area of Krakow facing new challenges
Author(s): Anna HarańczykSubject(s): Economy, National Economy, Rural and urban sociology, Public Finances, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Keywords: local government; functional urban area; budget revenues; financial plan; operational program; integrated territorial investments
Summary/Abstract: The subject of the article is to assess the financial condition of the territorial units included in theKrakow Functional Urban Area (FUA of Krakow) and identify opportunities arising from the financialperspective 2014–2020. FUA of Krakow was identified in the Regional Operational Programme ofMalopolska (2014–2020) as the delimitation of intervention in the formula of the Integrated TerritorialInvestment. This approach aims to use the specific territorial potentials and elimination of barriers tothe development of a FUA of Krakow.The article consists of two parts. The first presents the general characteristics of FUA of Krakow.The second part solves the problem of the development of the title. In this part it were beenanalyzed budget revenues of 15 municipalities forming FAU of Krakow, income from foreign sourcesand assesses the financial condition of all territorial units belonging to the study area for 2007–2014. This is followed by the Indicative Financing Plan for the Małopolska Voivodship – eligibleexpenditure for 2014–2020, which takes into account spending on ITI in the region.
Journal: Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 49
- Page Range: 129-148
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Polish