Integrating artificial intelligence into organizational intelligence Cover Image

Integrating artificial intelligence into organizational intelligence
Integrating artificial intelligence into organizational intelligence

Author(s): Florin Leon, Gabriela M Atanasiu
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Editura Economica
Keywords: organizational intelligence; intelligent agents; computational organization theory; knowledge management; data mining.

Summary/Abstract: Organizational intelligence is the capability of an organization to create knowledge and to use it in order to strategically adapt to its environment. Intelligence of an organization is more than the aggregated intelligence of its members – it is an emergent property of the complex interactions of its subsystems and the way they are aggregated. Processes analyse related to organizational intelligence can be achieved by means of agent-based simulations. Distributed artificial intelligence addresses the study and design of systems composed of several interacting entities, which are distributed from the logical and often spatial point of view, considered in a certain sense autonomous and intelligent. An intelligent agent is a hardware or (especially) software system that is autonomous and situated in its environment and enjoys the following properties: autonomy, reactivity, pro-activeness and social ability. Organizational intelligence can be improved by extracting aggregated information about past experience which can be analysed and used in current situations. This helps organizations to understand past tendencies respectively outcomes and to anticipate future trends by applying previous patterns from organizational data.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 79-90
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: English
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