Open innovations as a strategic challenge in the management of creative clusters Cover Image

Otwarte innowacje jako strategiczne wyzwanie w zarządzaniu klastrami kreatywnymi
Open innovations as a strategic challenge in the management of creative clusters

Author(s): Krystyna Moszkowicz, Bogusław Bembenek
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: cluster; management; creativity; innovation; development

Summary/Abstract: Scientific discussion on the value of open innovation in managing the development of creative clusters starts with the characteristics of the creative sector. The article stresses that this internally diverse sector is of strategic importance for Polish and European economies as it constitutes a solid pillar of knowledge-based economy. Subsequently, it presents definitions of the creative clusters, emphasising that their variety hampers accurate research and analysis. There is indicated the development potential of creative clusters and their role in the acquisition and development of human and social capital and attracting the interest of strategic investors and the creation of an attractive environment for the development of value innovation. The third part of the article characterizes the essence of the concept of open innovation and the potential value of the implementation of this concept in managing the development of creative clusters. Scientific considerations contained in this article are based on the results of theoretical and desk research.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 29
  • Page Range: 99-116
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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