Preferred Organisational Culture and Strategic Planning in Medium- and Large-Sized Companies Cover Image

Preferirana organizacijska kultura i strateško planiranje u srednjim i velikim poduzećima
Preferred Organisational Culture and Strategic Planning in Medium- and Large-Sized Companies

Author(s): Siniša Rudelj
Subject(s): Micro-Economics, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku
Keywords: Organisational culture; strategic planning; medium-and large-sized companies; preferred organisational culture;

Summary/Abstract: The relationship between a company and its respective environment is often of utmost importance for the future of that company. Although the core of that relationship is interaction (two-way process), the company still needs to secure a degree of equality by understanding the environment and carefully using the resources and capacities as well as response and control mechanisms. The issue of company’s dynamic capacities and internal coordination is connected to the internal environment, in particular the way in which things are done and problems are solved, i.e., organisational culture of the company. On the other hand, external adaptation processes and environmental response are contained in the strategy which is the basis for strategic planning. As a company’s culture becomes closer to the more attractive, recommended, i.e., preferred organisational culture, the chances for that company’s environmental response to be systematic and of high quality, and ultimately for that company’s success become higher. It is to be expected that in doing so the company programmes its strategy, i.e., does strategic planning. Empirical research has shown that the hypothesis that medium-and large-sized companies whose culture is closer to the preferred organisational culture are at a higher development level of strategic planning, can be accepted.

  • Issue Year: 25/2012
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 65-80
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Croatian
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