Byt ludzki w kontekście współczesnego sporu o rozumienie natury i kultury człowieka
Human Existence in the Context of Contemporary Dispute about the Understanding of Human Nature and Culture
Author(s): Edward SienkiewiczSubject(s): Philosophy, Theology and Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Keywords: nature; culture; truth; man; person; mystery; naturalism; idealism; personalism; anthropocentrism; biological reductionism; post-modernism; civilization; species; nature; identity
Summary/Abstract: Modern dispute about the understanding of culture and nature is rich in tradition and dates back to ancient Greek sophists. However, in the modern era we observe a radicalization of positions. This is caused by superficial understanding of both the nature and culture, what matters is the narrow empiricism or extreme idealism. In addition, there is the absence of a human problem in this dispute, which is supported by anthropology practiced today within the framework of specialized and narrow detailed disciplines without the possibility of synthesis. An off er to solve this dispute, having sometimes the nature of the conflict, is a subjective nature of culture, allowing to reconcile man’s relationship with nature and everything that cannot be brought only to this dimension. The best evidence of this solution proves to be a Christian personalism, which does not overlook any of the essential dimensions of human existence. Besides the complex structure of the human being - what best describes the concept of a person – it applies both to the material and the spiritual world, providing thus a foundation in resolving the dispute over the understanding of culture and human nature. The ultimate criterion remains the event of the Incarnation, which is appropriate to claim an objective criterion of reality - “I am the truth” (Jn 14,6), shedding light on the human understanding; his secret and mystery. The value of culture is evaluated from the point of view of the objective truth, which also remains a key reference within the meaning of nature and its relationship to human activity.
Journal: Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 236-256
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Polish