Âşiklar Çay Evi: Günümüzde Van Yöresi Âşiklik Geleneğini Sürdüren Bir Kahvehane ve Bu Mekânda Kaydedilmiş Bir Fasil
The Cafe of the Bards: A Cafe Continuing the Minstrelsy Tradition and a Section Recorded There
Author(s): Abdulselam ArvasSubject(s): Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Music, Local History / Microhistory, Sociology of Culture
Published by: Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi
Keywords: Bards; the tradition of minstrelsy; Van region; cafe of the bards cafe selection;
Summary/Abstract: In this study, some information will be given about the environment in which the tradition of minstrelsy continues to be performed, about the number of the cafés of the bards which could be found, and about that the bards have been able to reach the voices to further masses via local press in Van, in order to show that minstrelsy tradition is still keeping its liveliness, only one example of 24 sections that were recorded previously will be presented. The aim of this study is to reveal, with the given examples that an old tradition is still going on in Van, which is situated in the eastern part of Turkey, and that the given sections are quite rich. Besides, we still mention that how effective the listener can be on the narrator. We will also try to determine that this tradition has added different elements to its own structure with the changing social milieu and technological development.
Journal: Folklor/Edebiyat
- Issue Year: 15/2009
- Issue No: 59
- Page Range: 197-209
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Turkish