Türkiye’de Müzik Eğitimcisi Yetiştiren Kurumlarin Gelişim Sürecinde Bir Alman Müzik Eğitimcisi: Eduard Zuckmayer (1890-1972)
A German Music Educator in the Development Process of Institutions that Train Music Educators in Turkey (1890-1972)
Author(s): Müjde Sarisözen Dogan, Uğur Alpagut, Raif GülcanSubject(s): Music, Social history, History of Education, State/Government and Education, Sociology of the arts, business, education
Published by: Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi
Keywords: Eduard Zuckmayer; musiki muallim mektebi; music education;
Summary/Abstract: Music Education is a unique field which requires the overlap of cognitive and effective behavioral changes with personal skill. The stages of training music educators consist of sensitive and substantial attributes which are reflected in the training process. Immediately after the foundation of the Turkish republic, in order to satisfy the demand for music educators, Musiki Muallim Mektebi (The School of Music Teachers) was established in 1924. In 1938, Gazi Egitim Enstitüsü (Gazi Institute of Education) which is considered to be the continuation of the former was established. These Institutions, which form the basis of music educator training system, have a distinguished status in the history of music education in Turkey because of educational practices that take place in these institutions and their contributions to the field. In the early days of the Republic, European specialists, mostly from German speaking countries, were employed in the field of music education as was also common practice in other fields of science and arts. Prof. Eduard Zuckmayer was appointed as chairperson of the music department at Gazi Institute of Education (1938-1970). Zuckmayer undertook an important role in the acquisition of contemporary identity in music education in Turkey and the shaping of music educator training in this direction. There has been increasing importance of careful examination of the developments regarding the process of music education in the Republic era due to the positive and negative effects of global factors with this perspective in mind, in this article, Eduard Zuckmayer’s contribution to the Turkish Music Education will be assessed.
Journal: Folklor/Edebiyat
- Issue Year: 15/2009
- Issue No: 58
- Page Range: 197-211
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Turkish