Development and Psychometric Characteristics of the Serbian Life Events Check-List – Student Form (SLEC-SF) Cover Image

Razvoj i psihometrijske karakteristike ček-liste životnih događaja za procenu stresora kod studenata u Srbiji (SLEC-SF)
Development and Psychometric Characteristics of the Serbian Life Events Check-List – Student Form (SLEC-SF)

Author(s): Milica Lazić, Vesna Gavrilov Jerković, Veljko Jovanović
Subject(s): Clinical psychology
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: life events check-list; stress; students; convergent validity; predictive validity

Summary/Abstract: The main goal of the present research was to examine the predictive and convergent validity of the newly developed Serbian Life Events Check-list – Student Form (SLEF-SF; Gavrilov-Jerković, Žuljević, Jovanović i Brdarić, 2012). The SLEC-SF consists of 54 life events, experienced over a 6-month period. Participants rate the valence (positive or negative) and intensity of each event. Data from four waves of an 18-month longitudinal study were used in the present research (the sample size ranges from 787 to 1061 undergraduate students). The average number of total life events reported by participants over a 6-month period was in a range between 3.91 and 4.78, with negative life events being more frequent (range between 2.89 and 3.61). The relationship between the total number of negative life events and subjective well-being indicators was stronger when measured at the same point in time, as compared with the prospective relationships. In addition, the relationship between dependent stressful life events and subjective well-being was stronger than the relationship between independent stressful life events and subjective well-being when measured cross-sectionally, but not when measured prospectively. The advantages and limitations of the scale, as well as the recommendations for future research were discussed in the paper.

  • Issue Year: 10/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 119-140
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Serbian
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