Lyrical Speech and Narrative Frame Cover Image

Lírai beszéd és narratív váz
Lyrical Speech and Narrative Frame

The question of narration in the poems of Tolnai Ottó and Tomaž Šalamun

Author(s): Erzsébet Csányi
Subject(s): Hungarian Literature
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: Poetry; story destruction; fragment; Tolnai Ottó; Tomaž Šalamun

Summary/Abstract: The research deals with the question of narration appearing in lyrical speech in the poetry of Tolnai Ottó and Tomaž Šalamun. It raises the question of possible dominance of narrative vein in the works of the poets of late-modern Yugoslav art trends (conceptualism and neoavantgarde), and it describes the aspect of narrative nature. For this purpose the paper mainly focuses on the toolbar of thematic-motivic and structural solutions; the analysis of narrative deconstruction processes, fragmentation, pictorial narrative transformation mechanisms, subject creation come to the fore.

  • Issue Year: 17/2016
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 96-100
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: Hungarian
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