Similes in the Text of "Szigeti Veszedelem" Cover Image

Hasonlatok a Szigeti veszedelem szövegében
Similes in the Text of "Szigeti Veszedelem"

Author(s): Ilona Rajsli
Subject(s): Historical Linguistics, Hungarian Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: historical linguistics; stylistic analysis; simile; Zrínyi; Szigeti veszedelem

Summary/Abstract: The similes are very significant stylistic devices in Zrínyi’sheroic poem. The study makes an attempt for the typology of the similes traceable in the text of the Szige- ti veszedelem [The Siege of Sziget], respectively the structural and semantics examination of the stylistic element. Taking the formal features into consideration there can be equally found full and plain similes with formal editing in the text, this latter type is present in greater strength.According to the typology with a syntactic approach, in the analysed corpus mode comparison is the most frequent, but the similes may refer to the utterance of measure, to the degree of the act and quality that came about in the stylistic device. Besides the formally easily recognisable (explicit) stylistic elements the implicit forms of comparison are especially expressive, where the semantic distance between the similar and the comparative one is substantial. Those text places deserve particular analysis, where the pictorial element can be put into the boundary of the simile and the metaphor. The study analyses the structural construction of the similes, as well as the figures being composed of several cumulative similes in Baroque style.In the course of the analysis with a semantics aspect, in the characteristic vocabulary of the similes,are primarily touched uponthe variety of the natural phenomena, of the wild fauna and flora, and that of the fictional beings.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 3-14
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Hungarian
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