Poverty Reduction in the Context of Achievement of the First Millennium Development Goal Cover Image

Смањење сиромаштва у контексту достизања првог Миленијумског циља развоја у Србији
Poverty Reduction in the Context of Achievement of the First Millennium Development Goal

Author(s): Natalija Mirić
Subject(s): Human Geography, Social differentiation, Demography and human biology, Economic development
Published by: Географски факултет, Универзитет у Београду
Keywords: Serbia; European Union; the first Millennium Development Goal; unemployment; poverty; hunger

Summary/Abstract: The paper analyzes poverty in the context of the implementation of the first Millennium Development Goal in Serbia. This analysis included the recommended indicators for measuring the implementation of the three tasks within this goal, which is related to the reduction of unemployment, reduction of poverty and eradication of hunger in Serbia. Calculation of indicators involves the use of multiple sources of data: Labor Force Survey, Household Budget Survey, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Survey on Income and Living Conditions. A particular advantage of this analysis is that puts Serbia in a European context by comparing of certain indicators which indicates not only the achievement of the first Millennium Goal but also on the overall development.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 13
  • Page Range: 207-230
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Serbian
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