A Romani Child — a Member of the Society, a Student, a Citizen. Ethnic Minorities in Law and Surveys Cover Image

Dziecko romskie — członek społeczeństwa, uczeń, obywatel. Mniejszości etniczne w prawie i badaniach ankietowych
A Romani Child — a Member of the Society, a Student, a Citizen. Ethnic Minorities in Law and Surveys

Author(s): Diana Jagodzińska
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Culture and social structure , School education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: ethnic minorities; Romani child; multicultural education; Polish school; tolerance

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the normative basis and social stereotypes concerning multicultural education. The authors give an analysis of legal acts pertaining to the Romani minority and confront the assumed postulated state of affairs with the actual conduct of students at school studied by means of surveys. The results lead to the presentation of the educational determinants in a bicultural school and provide an answer to the question if a complete tolerance toward ethnic minorities is possible on the part of Polish children. The final part offers proposals to be implemented at school and aimed at bettering Romanis’ conditions in school practice and their image in the society.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 25
  • Page Range: 61-78
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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