Пал Фодор. От султан Сюлейман до Мор Йокаи. Студии за структурата на османската турска власт и унгарско-турските контакти. Будапеща, Институт по история към Изследователския център по хуманитаристика при Унгарската академия на науките, 2014. 448 с.
Pál Fodor. From Sultan Süleyman to Mor Jokai. Studies about the structure of Ottoman Turkish power and Hungarian-Turkish contacts. Budapest, Institute of History at the Research Center of Humanities at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2014. 448 pp.
Author(s): Gábor Demeter, Penka PeykovskaSubject(s): History, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Diplomatic history, Military history, Political history, Modern Age, Special Historiographies:, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, The Ottoman Empire, Book-Review
Published by: Институт за исторически изследвания - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Pál Fodor;Sultan Süleyman;Hürrem;religious minorities;Habsburgs;Ottoman empire;Hungarians;institutions;
Summary/Abstract: Book review
Journal: Исторически преглед
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 209-216
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF