Parliamentary Committees on European Affairs and their Role in the European Sphere of Activity of the State Bodies Cover Image

Parlamentarne komisje do spraw europejskich i ich rola w unijnej sferze aktywności organów państwa
Parliamentary Committees on European Affairs and their Role in the European Sphere of Activity of the State Bodies

Author(s): Maciej Serowaniec
Subject(s): Government/Political systems, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Kancelaria Sejmu
Keywords: European Affairs Committees; national parliaments in the European Union; Treaty of Lisbon; parliamentary oversight; auxiliary bodies of parliament

Summary/Abstract: An important role in incorporating particular Member States in integration structures was played bymatters relating to the apportionment of powers between the state authorities to decide on matters relatingto membership in the EC/EU. The emergence and development of parliamentary committeesfor European affairs is connected with the desire to increase the impact of national legislative bodieson the European decision making process and to provide the representative bodies with mechanismsensuring real supervision over the actions of governments on the European scene. The committeesfor European affairs continue to have the nature of auxiliary bodies of parliament, however,due to the nature of problems undertaken by them, their high autonomy in relation to parliamentarychambers is evident. To some extent, even they replace parliamentary chambers in exercising theirpowers concerning the process of lawmaking in the EU. Recognizing this phenomenon, showing newtrends in relations between parliament and its committee is therefore of great importance for the researchin this field.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 29-45
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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