Possibilities for the geothermal utilization of thermal wells in the agricultural economy  of Northern Great Plain  Cover Image

Hévízkutak geotermikus hasznosítási lehetőségeinek vizsgálata Észak-Alföld agrárgazdaságában
Possibilities for the geothermal utilization of thermal wells in the agricultural economy of Northern Great Plain

Author(s): Balázs Kulcsár
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal
Keywords: Észak-Alföld; területfejlesztés; agrárgazdaság; megújuló energia; geotermikus energia

Summary/Abstract: The greatest problem of the Earth including Hungary is how to meet the ever-increasing energy demand, how to reduce environmental burden caused by fossil fuel use, and how to reduce energy dependence. Agriculture is a dominant sector of the Northern Great Plain region of Hungary, bearing strategic importance, the effective and economic operation of which goes into the interest of the whole society. One of the factors that could enhance agricultural efficiency in the basically disadvantaged Northern Great Plain region is the wider, multiple-stagedeveloped and sustainable use of geothermal energy. Examinations investigated how geothermal potential of existing thermal wells could induce more efficient working of the agricultural economy in the Northern Great Plain region. Results show, that in 2011 18% of thermal water wells built in the Northern Great Plain region was out of use, thus representing unutilized capacity. Agricultural holdings, which would be able to implement large-scale geothermal investments, face severe lack of financial source, not having at the same time the expertise on renewable energy sources, thus they neither utilize geothermal energy nor do the majority of them plan to use it in the future. Nevertheless, experience of case studies proved that geothermal energy would be a realistic alternative for agricultural activities in the Northern Great Plain region both for providing heat for technological procedures and for heating the buildings. Heat utilization technologies have undergone significant development, as an outcome waters of lower calorific value can be utilized at good levels on areas, where formerly it was not possible. In line with the multiple-stagel utilization of geothermal water and geothermal energy, connected to users by the level of their heat demand, further possibilities are created to use renewable energy sources in combined, supplementary or supporting forms.

  • Issue Year: 54/2014
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 71-92
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Hungarian
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